Saturday, 24 November 2012

Golden Fleece Pub York January 2012

I have been clearing out some of this years photos taken on my Blackberry of various trips and sending them across to my PC before I delete them. I was amazed I had not noticed this one earlier! Take a look at the inside of the Golden Fleece pub in York said to be very haunted by various ghosts. We went in one lunch time on the trail of a pint or two and I took two photos one after the other in quick succession. Picture number two (mid centre imposed over lower picture on pub wall) has the face of a man staring back at me. This is the best one I have got so far, and my witness will testify this is no fake,  I have no other explanation for this whatsoever. 

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Is it Liberace?

 As a special unexpected treat we visited Liberaces restaurant (now closed) Tivoli Gardens and were invited to view and photograph his private dressing rooms. The picture above shows an object or light below the small cabinet on the right near the armchair.
 Orbs! Two floating above the head of our tour guide and to the left (above)
I felt compelled to photograph the curtained entrance. Framed in the doorway just right of centre there seems to be a transparent figure, the face, quiffed hair and large shoulderpads and tie just visible. Simulcra?

Close up below:

Las Vegas Ghost tour November 2012

My trip to Las Vegas turned out to be better than planned as we embarked on the evening ghost tour to see some sights and visit some haunted places. First stop was Green Valley Park where the ghosts of a lady from    pioneer days haunts the picnic area, as well as two murdered children. Many orbs have been photographed there and I was lucky to pick some up on the camera as well as some strange anomolies:

On the edge of the grass verge to the right looks like the shape of a rottweiler type dog and infront of it the head of a person in profile perhaps wearing a headscarf? Looks like shes got a rabbits body, too weird!